
Liebster Award

Michelle Hanton OAM - Dragon Sisters

Thank you to Marie Griffiths @mariegriffith for nominating me for the Liebster Award and I’m honoured that you have chosen me.

The Liebster Award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers and involves answering a series of questions posed by the nominator. So here we go:

1.) Describe your most embarrassing moment.

Many, many years ago I made an awful blunder when a colleague, who was on maternity leave brought in her new baby for us all to admire. An old man was holding the baby and I made the dreadful mistake of saying “You’ve got  a beautiful grandson” – he was the father not the grandfather! He was about 25 years older than my colleague and I was so embarassed! I’ve never again made an assumption like that!

2.) What’s one of your favorite movies?

I don’t really have favourites but if I had to choose a…

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