Original Thought · Self Improvement · Teamwork

Being Remarkable

Given the choice and the opportunity to be remarkable, what else would you do? Being remarkable means a lot of things.


First – remarkable people use their strengths to strengthen others. In all situations they add value to the people, the conversation and the action in front of them.

Second – remarkable people create remarkable things. They do the best under the circumstances without being burdened by perfection. Imperfection is the spark that leaves space for innovation and inspiration. By beginning the creation, they set the bar and direction without drawing a hard circle around the destination.

Third – remarkable people know that they are capable and that everyone else brings skills, talents and gifts to the party. While they demand dissent, they do it respectfully. They strive to encourage or provoke others to contribute and keeps the ideas flowing by using a yes and approach. ” Yes that will work and we could …”

Fourth – remarkable people take care of their health. They are aware of their mortality and frailty but acknowledgement is a challenge rather than acceptance. They are food aware and while not anal about nutrition, they make better choices more often. In the light of day or the depths of night, we all have our own pathology and mental illness. It isn’t in the illness but in the accommodation and exploitation of it that remarkable people rise. In spite or because of their quirks, foibles and tendencies, they thrive.

Fifth – they thrive in ambiguity, conflict and tension. The recognize that the imperative of comfort, convenience and certainty, that most embrace, are silently destroying intellect of individuals, resilience of community and perseverance of humanity. They swim in tension and uncertainty because the alternative is a slow and mediocre death.

Sixth – remarkable people shine a light on the darkness in their lives, most of which that arises from their ego. They are aware that the ego can use trickery, deception, admiration and self deprecation to keep them on a self serving path. They have developed an intention and practice of reflection and diligence. They poke around their intentions and actions asking deep why questions and adapting and aligning to their values.

Most importantly, being a remarkable person is a choice we get to make every day.

Make Today Remarkable, by choosing to be remarkable,


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